Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm Thankful for Freedom

I'm reading an excellent book right now by Ezra Taft Benson (the former Secretary of Agriculture for President Eisenhower and Former president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) called, "The Red Carpet." It was published in 1963. Amazing book. I highly recommend it. It really opens your eyes.

In honor of the 4th of July this weekend, I'd like to quote one of my favorite parts of the book so far (pages 96-97):
"I wish I could say to all freedom-loving Americans - it is time to STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT. Yes, it is past time to stand up and speak out for freedom. Many Americans - thousands and thousands of them have protected with their lives the glorious gifts of freedom and peace which each of us enjoy. How can we best honor them?

"Is it enough to sound a trumpet or lay a wreath?

"Is it enough to honor all by following the two unknown soldiers to their official and final resting place?

"No, it seems to me that we each have several more personal responsibilities.

"First, we must do our part to stay free...

"Freedom is not always lost on the battlefront. It may also be lost through the acceptance of false idealogies that subjugate the dignity of man. We must not compromise ideals so hard won, nor adopt, nor be blindly led into, any course which would erode away our freedom. we must be ever on guard not only against overt acts but against the subtle forces that seek to undermine freedom...

"It is natural to take for granted what we are accustomed to. But the one possession we MUST NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED is freedom - the freedom bequeathed to us under our Constition. To be enjoyed, freedom must be continually won."
I love the last phrase - "to be enjoyed, freedom must be continually won". Another popular phrase that says a similar thing is: "Freedom isn't free." It's true. And we all need to be more vigilant about protecting and defending our precious freedom.

I am grateful to live in this free country of America! We are so blessed to live here. I believe that the principles that this country were founded upon were inspired by God. And I believe that freedom is a God-given gift, meant for all His children upon this earth.

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